This page will be updated on a regular basis as our concierge program develops. Check back often for updates!

If I go with the Standard Wellness Concierge membership, will I get the same service and care that I get today?
Yes. Our integrative approach and our medical services and treatments are the same for all our patients. With the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership, members will have access to the same services and personnel as the Extended Wellness Concierge Members, but won’t be getting additional benefits, after-hours access, or discounts. Our Standard Wellness Concierge Membership allows affordable access to all services of our integrative medical day practice.
In our new practice model, we hope all members will be relieved and comforted by the time and energy we devote to our integrative veterinary examinations, treatments, and overall patient care. All of our members and patients are a valued part of our veterinary practice and community.
Could I potentially lose the opportunity for appointments or types of care because they’ll go to Extended Wellness members first?
We will still be offering ER appointments daily for urgent cases. We cannot control the influx of cases for these slots and they sometimes will be taken and although we prefer to see all of our own patients in need, we may need to recommend you visit an ER with an urgent case that we cannot accommodate. Our triage management of each patient’s condition and urgency, regardless of their membership status, will, as always, help us prioritize our time and what we advise clients to do for their pets. Management of our patients must, of course, remain within the availability of our staff, our capabilities, and hours of service.
We are moving to a membership model so we can improve our integrative model of care and service for all our clients regardless of membership level. This model will allow our doctors, technicians, and staff to be more available for all levels of care. Appointments are both scheduled in advance for exams, consults, tech visits, and treatments, and now we will hold ER appointments and priority appointments for urgent needs as available.
Do I need the Standard Wellness Concierge membership so my pet can continue being a patient and everything remains the same as today?
Yes, in general, that is true. We are also hoping, as we work through all the new challenges of this transition, that you see our improvement in your ability to schedule appointments and communicate with your vet team.
Does the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership fee of $300 buy veterinary services or products or is it simply a membership in the practice?
The $300 Standard Wellness Concierge is a yearly membership fee not a credit for any services or charges incurred during a visit. It provides you and your pet(s) membership in our Concierge Integrative Practice and allows access to our integrative veterinary team. We do expect that you will find that our approach saves you money and stress, improves underlying health and longevity for your pet and has a unique value for you and your family. We want to be your veterinarian, provide primary services, support your pet with everyday care, offer urgent care as needed, and offer appropriate professional direction when you need to be referred to any specialists.
As noted on our enrollment forms:
RTVC Standard Wellness Concierge Membership:
We feel that this option will serve those who are more infrequent visitors to RTVC, those whose animals have relatively lower care needs, and those who simply cannot justify the expenditure of the Extended Wellness Concierge Membership.
Cost: $300 annually per family
- Access to all RTVC veterinarians, as available
- A fully individualized, integrative wellness plan
- Access to all RTVC services, medicines, and products
- Regular prices for services and products
- Access as available to triaged emergency consultation & emergency medical services during business hours, with regular pricing
- RTVC Newsletter
If I switch to the Standard Wellness Concierge membership, will I be limited in my ability to get support occasionally?
You will not be limited to support. The most veterinarian support for extra hours, priority access, and weekends is with the Extended Wellness Concierge Membership. Our Standard Wellness Concierge Membership allows all patients to get support and schedule visits when needed. You are a client and part of our practice and community. The medicine and our medical approach and integrative treatments are the same for all our patients.
Under the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership will we still get our yearly appointment with time to make plans for a healthy year ahead?
Yes, all appointments can be scheduled as needed at regular prices. We will do our best to schedule you with your primary vet, and please know that all Veterinarians; Dr. Royal and Dr. Stimac help each other and discuss cases to support our clients. The Standard Wellness Concierge does not provide discounted prices or a free annual as you would receive with the Extended Wellness Concierge Service.
Can I assume the $300 Standard Wellness Concierge Membership includes all of my pets and that the annual fee is not per pet?
Yes, the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership is per family, not per pet. When signing up online, list only one pet and be assured all family pets are included.
New pets for families under the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership that are added to your family, can come to the practice as part of the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership. However, as they would be a new patient, we would start them with our New Patient Exam which is $400 and includes a Recheck Exam in 6-8 weeks after the New Patient Exam. If your new family member is a healthy puppy/kitty, the new patient exam fee is $240.
Needs Form Recipients:
Who sent this e-mail and who approved the amounts?
All need applications were read by all Vets in the practice as well as our managers, as noted in the closing salutation. Dr. Royal approved all amounts based on looking at available funds, the health of the client, and the number of requests.
I had submitted the “Needs Form” before the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership of $300 became an option. Can I apply the $1000 towards the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership?
The “Need Award” was towards the Extended Wellness Concierge Membership and cannot be applied towards the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership.
The Standard Wellness Concierge Membership has been offered since we saw our community’s financial needs. Our mission is to serve you and your pets, and the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership allows for those pets that are relatively healthy to stay within the practice.
If I decline my award can I sign up for the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership?
Yes, please sign up for the Standard Wellness Concierge Membership if that works for your family. Here is the membership link. Also, when you fill out the membership application, please only add one pet’s name so you pay only once. The Standard Wellness Concierge Membership is a family membership and applies to all family pets. We are happy to know you will continue as part of our Royal Treatment Family!
Membership Confirmation:
If I applied for membership and paid via PayPal, has it been received and is our Concierge Membership confirmed?
Thank you for deciding on your membership and submitting your payment via PayPal. PayPal does provide a confirmation of receipt which we also receive on our end and are tagging your client account. As these messages were only sent to current clients, rest assured that if you paid and selected your Concierge membership level, you are confirmed in our system.
Thank you for bearing with us as we work to make changes as some are looking for refunds and switching their Concierge Membership level. Lastly, you do not need to wait if you want to come and bring in your pet for an exam.
Membership Payments/Refunds:
We are working as quickly as possible to shift memberships, handle your questions and offer refunds. We are processing refunds in batches. Please allow at least 10 days to receive your refund. We are told that it can take 3-5 days AFTER we refund the amount on our end to make it back to your account.
If my pet passed away during the membership year, is the membership transferable to another pet? Will I be able to cancel the membership and receive a refund?
The Extended Wellness membership is transferable for the time left on the Concierge package and the Standard Wellness membership refers to all pets in your household.
Am I able to pay for my membership using CareCredit?
If we went with the Standard Wellness Concierge membership, would we still be able to use pet insurance or is payment out of pocket?
Regardless of your membership, you are always able to submit claims to your insurance company for payment of agreed-upon services and coverage for your pet. If your question is referring to using your insurance to pay for your membership fee, you would want to check with them. Perhaps they would let you apply the membership to your deductible. Each policy is different. It is best to reach out to them directly to inquire if they would cover this for your pet. Your membership payment is listed as Concierge Membership on invoices.
If I cancel my membership before the end of the ‘Service Year’, will I receive a refund?
Refunds will be individually determined using RTVC guidelines. These guidelines include but are not limited to membership interval, services provided, consultations used, products, discounts/intellectual property/benefits received, client communication and compliance and other factors. Typically, once a comprehensive wellness evaluation, testing and plan have been completed, no refund will be offered.
General Questions:
Do I have to pay the fee in order to be able to continue bringing my pet(s) to you for care?
Starting May 1st, 2024, we do require membership to continue integrative veterinary services for your family.
NOTE: RTVC Philanthropy Funding is in place to provide free or discounted patient memberships for those who are unable to afford the annual or monthly fee. (See Concierge Need-based Membership Support Form)
We will also evaluate on a case-by-case basis, temporarily extending our services past our Concierge deadline for patients with life-threatening issues that we are in the process of treating at the time, or for patients that are not yet stable and transfer to another vet would be too disruptive for their health.
This is a big step for all of us. We are not taking it lightly. We believe this Concierge Membership Model says that we are all invested in the health of your pet. As your Concierge healthcare team, we are comfortable being held accountable to a higher standard. It is the standard that we expected of ourselves when we started in this profession.
Because we know that this can be expensive for some clients, we have worked hard to develop and have donated to our RTVC Philanthropy Fund (above) to help those in need to continue with us.
With our integrative approach, our goal is to help foster the wild health of your pets, decrease your worry, save you money, and avoid unnecessary medication & illnesses in a meaningful way.
What are the Member Prices? What discounts, if any, are included?
The RTVC Extended Wellness Concierge Membership benefits include one complimentary annual exam and wellness plan for the year per family membership, 10% off in-house services and products for the primary pet and other benefits and discounts from our affiliates (see enrollment form). All additional pets on your plan will also get 10% off services and products. Regular fees will likely apply for most diagnostics (lab work, radiographs, ultrasounds) although we are working with several diagnostic providers to offer additional discounts for our concierge members.
The RTVC Standard Wellness Concierge Membership members will have access to the same services and personnel as the Extended Wellness Concierge Members, but won’t be getting additional benefits, after-hours access, or discounts. Our Standard Wellness Concierge Membership allows affordable access to all services of our integrative medical day practice.
What is included in the annual exam?
The annual exam includes a full physical examination and consultation on your pet’s health and wellness plan for the year.
My pet is young and has no health issues. What is the benefit of paying the Extended Wellness Concierge fee if I don’t anticipate bringing them in more than once a year?
We believe our integrative approach is of value for all life stages and all pets. We provide guidance, life planning, and excellent care for any issues that may arise in all ages of a pet’s life. We hope to save you money with our focused healthcare approach. We feel the value gained by using our practice will more than pay for itself in the health of your pet. We are also offering a Standard Wellness Concierge Membership at $300. This is a more affordable membership within our concierge practice that offers access to RTVC’s services at regular prices.
Is there a monthly or semi-annual payment plan?
A monthly installment payment plan is available for The Extended Wellness Concierge membership. A payment of $185 is due on the first day of each month. Please view the enrollment for monthly pricing information. If payment is missed two months in a row, membership is forfeited. Any late payments are also subject to an additional processing fee.
The Standard Wellness Concierge membership is an annual payment of $300 and can be paid in full or in 2 payments of $166.50 with the 2nd payment due in one month.
This year, if you pay your membership fee in full by May 1, 2024, at the time of registration, you will receive an additional 2 months of membership for ALL of your pets – so the renewal date will not be until June 30, 2025.
If you are on the monthly installment payment plan, or using Philanthropy Funding, your renewal date will be April 30, 2025.
Am I able to fill out the form online?
A fillable online form is available.
Will my card be saved on file automatically, if I pay with a credit card?
Yes, unless you let us know in writing that you would prefer to not have the card on file.
We cannot accept monthly membership installment payments without a credit card on file.
We will always email any charges to you before processing your card for any payments.
Will my membership be automatically renewed next year?
You will receive several email reminders in advance of a renewal letting you know that your membership is due for renewal. You will have the option to decline renewal and change your membership type. If you do not decline your membership you will be renewed automatically. Sponsorship awards must be applied for annually.
What is the latest date I can make the payment for the membership?
Membership is not guaranteed until payment is received and is dependent on availability. If you have submitted your completed form but would like to make the payment at a later date, please let us know. If you would like to delay or defer, your membership will be accepted at a later date depending on availability. If we do not have availability, we will place you on a waiting list.
Am I able to be added to a waitlist if the membership capacity is reached before I can enroll?
Yes, if you enroll after we have reached our patient capacity, we will add you to a waitlist and will reach out as space becomes available.
When will the referral list be available, if I decide to defer from the program?
Our referral list is available. You can find it here.
However, please note that there may not be practices in your area, as integrative veterinary practices are limited and may differ in care.
Am I able to add a pet to my membership that does not reside at my residence?
Initially, we had thought to offer this. However, we learned our system assigns one billing address per household. Therefore all pets must live at the same location. Pets owned by non-family members that do not reside with you, cannot be added to your membership.
As of March 30, 2024, we offered a second membership called the Standard Wellness Concierge membership which provides a $300 membership to our Integrative Practice. This serves as a better option for family members at a different address. Need forms are also accepted for Standard Wellness Concierge membership.
How will client communication with the primary veterinarian be facilitated?
Enhanced and priority healthcare communication to Concierge Members will be available through email, new phone options, and appointments. Messages can be relayed to the vet during business days and where necessary, answered in real time.
We will still be running our veterinary center and will have to focus on patients in the clinic as our membership program allows us to carve out more time for client communication. We will address each member’s concerns with attentive and educated reception/nurse practitioner triage and direct communication with our vets.
We anticipate you will appreciate the less stressful, informed, triaged, and planned daily options for any level of urgency. Our availability for effective appointments, phone calls, tech appointments, email exchanges, and after-hours communication is also increased.
Your veterinarian’s goal is to make sure they are successful in responding to your pet’s needs to maintain their best health through excellent communication and individual knowledge of their patients.
Are there specific hours designated for phone access and are these hours consistent monthly?
We will have consistent phone access business and after-hours availability. We may also, depending on availability and need, extend those hours. Additional availability will be posted on our website calendar.
Will I still be able to get medications, supplements, and food from you if I am not a member?
Non-members may still be able to get medications/supplements from us for a limited time (no more than 1 year past their last physical exam due to Illinois licensing regulations) as long as the medication was prescribed by us and does not require a repeat blood work to be completed. Food will continue to be available to non-members as well.
Why are you making this change?
You may have noticed the industry’s trend is devaluing individual and focused care in favor of corporate chain practices. which are absorbing and eliminating smaller patient-focused practices. We are making this change in order to combat this trend and continue with the quality of medicine we expect of ourselves. We hope you feel you can support our practice and our community.
What is the difference between the Concierge Memberships and the Critical Wellness options?
All clients must sign up for membership which includes access to us during regular business hours. The Critical Wellness option is designed to be an optional add-on for clients who feel they may need additional phone access to the doctors after hours for their pet(s) who may have a serious medical condition.
Extended Wellness and Critical Wellness Memberships have been selected for many reasons. This category of service has additional peace of mind, because their pets have significant care needs, because their pets require more frequent visits, or they are invested in keeping the doors open for this integrative medicine practice and are keen to support what we do.
We knew we wanted to be the primary veterinary clinic for our patients and maintain our community. But we needed to find a way to improve the financial base for our integrative practice to have the flexibility it needs to be successful for our patients.
Without corporate backing, the veterinary landscape is difficult. We do not want to compromise our attention and focus. One of our biggest frustrations over the years has been the need to see more patients within limited hours and staff. This makes it difficult for clients to get in for appointments quickly or speak to your vet in a timely manner. The concierge model allows us to find the balance between running a busy practice and still have time to serve the real needs of our patients and clients.