To our dear clients,
Thanks again for making my day by bringing your wonderful animals into The Royal Treatment.
Please check out my Huffington Post Blog article for some useful advice from yours truly about winter time and your pet. Feel free to “Like” the article or share it. Our pets keep us warm with their unconditional love. Check next week for my next Huffington Post blog on conditions of the heart and herbal remedies.
TV APPEARANCE! I will appear live on WGN TV Channel 9 on Valentine’s Day, Tuesday, February 14th, at 11:00 a.m. I will be discussing raw food and diet options for your pet. Watch me demo how I feed my own dogs.
In addition, don’t forget My Birthday Party (I will only divulge my age in dog years) to benefit our Needy Animal Fund & PAWS-Chicago shelter.
At The Royal Treatment Veterinary Center
on my actual BIRTHDAY Thursday, February 23rd
7:00 p.m – 9:30 p.m
Suggested Donation: $10 per person, $5 per pet
I will present a short but wildly informative lecture on longevity. We will have fun treats for all, including pet-healthy birthday cupcakes for dogs. Can’t wait to see you and your furry ball of love there.
Other exciting news: My debut book The Royal Treatment will be in stores this July 2012, published by Simon & Schuster.
Many thanks, I am lucky to be doing what I love – taking care of your pets.
-Dr. Barbara