How to Pick the Best Pet For Your Family

image001How do you pick the best pet for your family?  What kind of questions should you ask, and who should you be asking?  It may seem overwhelming to make the best choice when finding a pet that integrates with your family, so Dr. Royal suggests using the questions below to start the process.  Be sure to check our her appearance on Good Day Chicago, August 11th, 2013 for additional information!



·         Are you or anyone in your family allergic to pets?

·         Do you have children?

·         Do you live alone or with others?

·         How much time do you have to devote to a pet?

·         Do you want a pet that cuddles with you or one that just is fun to look?

·         Do you want to pet that lives indoors and sleeps in the bedroom or can be outside in working or in a barn.

·         How much space do you have?

·         Is there a law or rule in your apartment/condo/neighborhood about type and number of pets?

·         Do you like to keep your house super neat or can you tolerate a little fur?

·         Can you find the type of pet you want at a rescue or shelter?

·         If you buy from a breeder what do you need to know to make sure the breeder is reputable?


There are also numerous resources for additional pet care information.  These include adoption groups, societies (i.e. Chicago Herpetological Society for reptiles), online message boards, print publications, etc.  And as always, you can talk to your veterinarian about adding another pet into the household as well.

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