Healthy Happy Dog Summit





The Healthy Happy Dog Summit will train YOU to provide the happiest, healthiest life possible for your pup! With 30 world experts sharing their knowledge, they’ll teach you the best ways give your dogs the wonderful lives they deserve!


Our dutiful dogs depend on us for more than just food and shelter, and we depend on them for more than entertainment–they are our some of our truest friends (and beloved family members), and deserve to be treated as such! It’s our duty to make sure they’re doing well by asking the right questions and always looking to improve our lives with them. Woof!

The Healthy Happy Dog Summit will train you about:

  • Canine care & grooming
  • Positive training & problem behaviors
  • Traveling safely
  • Proper nutrition & healthy exercise
  • Recognizing illnesses
  • And much more!

Here are a few of the incredible experts who will speak:

  • Dr. Barbara Royal, Holistic Veterinary Care
  • Dr. Ian Billinghurst, Raw Food 101
  • Sonya Fitzpatrick, Animal Communication
  • Dr. Jean Dodds, Are We Giving Our Dogs too Many Vaccines?
  • Victoria Stillwell, Puppies 101
  • Dr. Nicholas Dodman, How Dogs and People Communicate

With 25 additional speakers, this invaluable (and FREE) resource is intended for dog owners everywhere! The Healthy Happy Dog Summit takes place from October 26 – November 2, 2015!

Register for FREE today!

I’ll see you at the summit!

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