Seen earlier today on the CBS Channel 2 Morning News, Vince Gerasole introduced viewers to Dr. Royal and featured her integrative approach to pet care while also showing off some of very own patients! Several segments aired live throughout the morning, highlighting Acupuncture, feeding a raw diet, underwater treadmill therapy, and Dr. Royal’s approach to examining your pet. You can see each segment in the order it aired below!
Pet Care With Dr. Barbara Royal – With Dr. Royal, Melissa, Max & Henry
Health Care For Your Pet – With Dr. Royal & Isabelle
Getting The Best For Your Pet – With Dr. Royal, Isabelle & Finnegan
Dr. Royal & the Staff would also like to send out a huge thank you to everyone who came out early to work with us & CBS, both on camera and off! Thank you to Cynthia with Isabelle & Denali, Melissa with Max, Brandi with Finnegan, Jason with Dino & Lily, Andrea with Roxy & Bessy Belle, Bruce with Paxton, and Andriana & Angelo with Tyler! Thanks Everyone!!